Keep things simple will put you on the road to profitable trading. By maintaining simplicity you can refine your trading. You will improve your odds of success if you stick to the following rules :
- Your methods will be clear :- When your friends ask you how you pick stocks, you should be able to tell then in just a few sentences, without any convoluted statements like, "I buy it when it looks good."
- You will have fewer expenses :- Instead of wasting money to buy overpriced trading systems, software, or other people's opinions, you will have more money to trade. You should be able to get almost all information you need for free.
- You will have fewer decisions to make :- Instead of being indifferent about twenty or thirty stocks that someone else suggested to you, you will realize which stocks are ready to be bought and which ones are not.
- It's less work :- This one should be self -explanatory in world where time is money.
- You have less to learn :- This on goes along with number four. Less to learn means less time wasted and more opportunity to make money. It also means there's less to forget and fewer mistakes to make - always a plus.
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