- Learn to function in unchartered, less predictive and uncertain environment.
- Think without any bias of your trading position.
- Keep your emotions under check and maintain objectivity.
- Get rid of hop and fear.
- Learn from past mistakes and Success, analyze your moves and respond quickly at critical events.
- Trading requires your responsiveness is in high alert.
- In trading you are competing with more wise and resourceful pool of peoples. Always trade along with them not against them.
- Know your personality before choosing your type of trading style.
- If you don't change your attitude towards market, you will get the same results what you are getting now.
- Study well about the markets, don't stop studying else you will lag behind others.
- Shy away from others opinions about your position or market movement.
- Never exit or enter the market just because you have lost patience or anxious from waiting.
- Avoid over trading.
- Smart money is always behind the trend.
- Every loss is markets new lesson to improve your knowledge of market action.
- The most difficult task is not entry, just sitting tight in an open position.
- Price and Price action is the only factor that reflects the market sentiment.
- Don't allow winning trade to turn into a loser.
- The real difference between winners and losers is discipline exercised in avoiding mistakes.
- Trade only when you have a good reason to trade.
- Made a loss? Forget it quick. Made a profit, forget it quicker. Don't let ego and greed Fog clear thinking and paralyze you.
- There is no 100% perfect trade entry or exit method.
- Market will not move the way we expect, we have to join hands with the way market moves.
- Stay calm and think clearly when trading big positions.
- don't try to beat the market, it will always humble you.
- Trade within your limits. Slow and steady goes a long way.
- Capital preservation and capital appreciation is like two sides of a coin.
- Work hard and smart. It's the only way solution available for your trading success.
- Few good trades are better than many loosing trades.
- Trade when you find opportunities. Don't be greedy!
- Do not add a losing position.
- Do not waste your energy on trying to pick tops or bottoms.
- Risk Reward makes your account healthy irrespective how good your trade entries and exits.
- If everybody is bullish, be nervous!
- There is only on side to the market that is right side neither bull side nor bear side.
- FIIS, BANKS, Big Financial Houses and Mutual funds makes money capitalizing the fact that Novice retail traders will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.
- If a bull market takes 5 days to go to a level, a bear market only takes a day.
- The market's reaction to new information is vital than the piece of news itself.
- don't diversify too much, few is enough to become successful trader.
- Highs and lows are turning points of any market. Keenly watch that level.
- Price is everything. Indicators are derivatives of price. So follow price for opportunities to trade, not the indicators.
- "If you get in on XYZ tip; get out on XYZ tip. If you are riding another person's idea, ride it all the way.
- The market is an expensive place to find out who you are.
- Prognosis doesn't work in human behavior operated market. Always be ready to react the situation.
- When the stock moves against your open position, don't pray - just close the position.
- Always trade with the market flow and smart money.
- Constantly evaluate your open positions.
- Volume and open interest is equivalent to a technician as price.
- Prices are real for "Now", it doesn't Reflect real value of the concerned stock.
- If the market breaks Monthly or weekly high it's a buy. If the market breaks Monthly or weekly low it's a sell.
- Trading Break. A trading break may give you a fresh look in your thought process and will reduce your mistakes.
- The trading rules which are working for you have to be followed religiously.
- Don't add a position in a stock which had run up more in the recent times.
- Cut losses small let run your profits big. Many traders finding this simple task toughest to do in real time.
» Intraday Trading
» Positional Trading
» Swing Trading
» Most important stock market trading rules
Most important stock market trading rules
Intraday Trading,
Positional Trading,
Swing Trading
- on 4:24 pm
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